Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The tears of the wicked are the marination of my life.

      Not really... But I like the way it sounds!  I just got back from my grandparents, I was doing some hardcore karaoke with my uncle, and it didn't sounds half bad!  We sang a couple of Celtic songs we know, and with one, we decided to sing the English translation.. And after I found out what we were singing about...  The English Lyrics were, " All the sheep have milk, The one with a crooked horn has a gallon, She has an udder as big as a milk cows, and it's as slippery as butter."  I don't even know how to respond to this..
      I got to eat an hallaca today, a Venezuelan food my family usually eats on Christmas Eve.  Due to eating it at the same time of the year, every year, I think of it as Christmas food.  It's really good, although one could say it's an acquired taste..  Any who, it got me into the holiday spirit.  The "Tears of the wicked" title actually refers to something a family member told me today, about the ham they had eaten, and that it had been marinated in the tears of the wicked.  This is a typical variation of our conversations...
     And yesterday, I finally beat my 3ds Ocarina of Time.  I had started about a year ago, and left it on the shelf with only two temples left to beat!  So yesterday, I picked it up and finished it up.  I just have to say- the game is GORGEOUS.  It was spruced up quite a bit, and heck, it's just fabulous looking.  An example would be the bridge of the sages at Ganon's Castle.  The original looked like this
And the new one looks like this 
That's the best picture I could find for it... 
Anyhow, that's just one bit of the change, there are tons more, like the temples, which look even more awesome than the ever did before!  Now that I've finished the game, I have an intense hunger to play something else... I don't have any new games right now, so I was thinking about other ones to play..  Golden Sun, one of my favorites, is at the top of my list right now.  It's long, but joyous.  I think it will be.. inspiring for my writings as well.  I've got 4 seasons of Supernatural left to eat my way through, but it's hard work,  believe it or not!  It's so depressing, it's hard for me to start up an episode..  Although, today, I fell asleep in the middle of the day, and I had a Supernatural inspired dream that was pretty interesting, and for once, not a nightmare.  Maybe I should keep it up, just to see if I'll have another dream like that.  

Monday, December 24, 2012


      Well!  It's been pretty crazy lately for me, and things have been so.... unpredictable that I don't even know what to blog about anymore!  I was going to post a writing I did about a week ago, but... Somethings were just too...much..   Complications that have gotten twisted around recently, to put it mildly.  I've watched so much Supernatural recently, that I've almost gotten sick of it, as I've basically been watching it every waking minute.   I think I've watched about 4000 minutes of it now in the last month.  Sure, Castiel is awesome, but the show itself is also extremely depressing.  I need to watch something upbeat at this point.  (I say that, but I'll probably end up watching the rest anyway)
       I've been researching mythology for my writings, and it's really really interesting!  I'm excited to see where it's going to go.  I've got so many ideas for characters right now... I need to fixate on one..
     I'll probably update tomorrow, so Merry Christmas Eve until then!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

So much to write, too little time.

       Seriously.  I just got home from work, and I really, really, REALLY want to update here... but I also need to sleep.  So.... I'll be back on this tomorrow, hopefully! And I'll get to write about all the happenings..

Monday, December 10, 2012

Traditional Schooling.

       For a scholarship, I have been asked to think about which is better, traditional schooling, or online schooling.  I am definitely one for traditional schooling.  There are lot of important parts to traditional schooling, such as building relationships, working with others, working at a scheduled pace, and facing problems and situations with other people.  When you do online schooling, you are not forcefully exposed to other people.  You don't have to be with anyone but yourself.  But in the traditional setting, you are with others, you have to work with them in groups and get to know them. You the get experience of working all sorts of people, people you like or don't like.  Traditional school is usually strictly scheduled and things must be turned in on time.  You don't make your own pace, and work is shared by all your fellow peers.  You face situations with others that you can't face online.  Besides the student to student relationship, there is the student to teacher relationship.  When the teacher is with you in person, it is easier to understand what you are learning.  You face the social stresses of asking questions in front of a group of people, and can get personal help from the teacher.  Online, you just have to email, which is very impersonal.  Traditional schools get the student ready for their future lives, by giving them a sample of people that they'll work with and giving them a taste of the stress of scheduled life.  Even if I had the choice of taking online classes instead of traditional, I wouldn't take the online course.  I enjoy my schooling too much, and from experience, can say that I just really don't like the detached situation of online classes.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Goodness Gracious

      There is absolutely no point in having that as my title!  I just suck at titles so much, that that was all I could come up with!  Bleh, anyway..  Today I feel like describing my feelings with images today... We'll see how that goes!
    Lately I have been pent up with emotion and passion.  To get rid of it, I've had to make do with crying, lots and lots of crying.  Pretty stupid, yes, but I don't know what else to do!
 Actually, my conclusion is to distract myself with lots of Supernatural.  BUT- each darn episode is so long, it takes forever just to get through one season!  Not that there's a lot of .. interesting things in each episode, but still. At least there's a school break coming up... I'm sure I'll get them all done by the first of 2013.
       I've had a sailor's mouth recently, but this only really comes out when I'm absolutely raged (Which unfortunately happened several times today) or around a couple of friends.  I've been trying to put out this cuss storm but... Yeah, that's easier said than done.  I've realized, as much as I love winter... It's my downfall.  I get lonely, and it's pathetic.  I need school, or at least busy work, to plow through it easily.

  The peak of my day had become my physics class.  The people that sit around me are pretty bubbly- no, overly excitable is a better description- and it makes me feel great!  When the teacher's in a good mood (Which is most of the time), then class is AWESOME.
   ^Basically what I'm thinking during my teacher's stories.
 I guess I should go to sleep now.. I'm having too much fun with this..  My next post will probably be about disturbing health treatments.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

[Mr. Post] Number One

    That last post was really whiny.  I apologize!  To make up for it, I'm going to do a Mr. post.  These Mr. posts are stories that one of my teachers has told in class.  He's really entertaining and he has all these weird life stories to tell.  I think they're funny... But I don't know if anyone else will think so..  Here goes!  (I call him "Mr." as to not give away his identity... Yes, it sounds a bit silly, but I don't know what else to call it.)
     Mr. told us that when he was in college, he had a rival.  There was a boy who would try to beat Mr.'s scores on tests and assignments, etc.  One time, a girl beat Mr.'s rival on a test, and almost scored higher than Mr.!  So, of course, he had to ask her out.  They went out for dinner, and he was curious about how she paid for college.  "So, do you pay for college with scholarships, or maybe you work?"  The girl looked a bit embarrassed.  "Well, actually, my family has a business that helps pay for my schooling.."  Mr. gave her an interested look.  "Oh really?  What's the business?"  "I don't think I can tell you... You won't like it."  "? Oh come one, tell me~!"  She took out some brochures from her bag, and set them on the table.  Mr. was a taken aback, and felt a bit insignificant.  The brochures were for a male stripper business.  "Wow."  At this point, Mr. knew that this wasn't going to work out, and lost intrest in her.  Nevertheless, he thought he might as well ask some questions.  "What do you do if the strippers misbehave?"  She leaned in close, "Take away their money!  They'll do ANYTHING for money!"  Needless to say, Mr. was a bit disturbed.   In class, he joked about searching for her online.  "I wonder where she is today?  I could just search "Oklahoma, Male Stripper family business.."  Someone responded, "I don't think you should search that here at school!  What would you say when they find out?"  "Ah..."


       Music- "The expression of feelings that you cannot describe with words."  This definition fits music perfectly to me.  There are so many feelings that I can't try to put into writing, but often music plays the part wonderfully.  It helps me feel detachment from the stresses of daily life and concentrate on other things.
   My taste is music varies more than I'd like to admit, and lately I've been listening to a lot of emotional instrumental music  throughout the day.  I've been feeling awfully strange lately, as I haven't been able to just feel happy continuously for sometime.  Sadness can be inspiring for artwork and writing, but I've realized that prolonged emotional upheaval is more painful and distracting than necessary.
     In the mornings I listen to some  Golden Sun music to jump start some happiness and nostalgia of simpler times.  Some songs I'd suggest would be Downton Abbey: The Suite, music by Joe Hisaishi (who composed the music for a lot of Hayao Miyazaki's films), such as Nausicaa Symphonic Poem- First Movement Howl's moving Castle- Cave of Mind, and Spirited Away -The Dragon Boy.  Those are just a few good examples.  Some others are EXE3- Tree of Life, Murray Gold- I am the Doctor, This is Gallifrey.  But some of the most epic music I've heard recently came on the 25th Anniversary CD with Skyward Sword.  That... music is absolutely incredible.  The rendition of Gerudo Valley almost seems to have been overdone with awesome.  Just thinking about it gives me chills!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday. December 2012.

     Something about that title really... Irks me..  It's dull.  ANYWAY- It has been... an exceedingly looooong time since I've updated.  Kinda like facebook, I don't put too many statuses on there either..  *Cough* Well!  It's been so long, I've kinda forgotten what to write about...
    Supernatural- a good starting topic.  I've been watching this show lately, "Supernatural", because I'd heard it's good...and because of the main characters.  They're adorable. Here's some examples.. Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki)  In fact, before I had actually started watching, I thought that Dean looked really pretty, and because of his prettiness, he would be this really sweet character..  WAS I EVER WRONG!  Hah, he's really gruff and tough.  Took me completely off guard. Before you start to think, "This show's probably just eye candy for women-" it's not.  There are plenty of good looking women in just about every episode, so... There's something for everybody!
     It's a pretty good show, and I'm only on season two.  Castiel, a character who apparently shows up at the end of season three, I have been awaiting for sometime.  A family member told me that Castiel was his favorite character, and I've been dying to see him in action!  But... I've got so many episodes until then.. TwT  Anyway, if you like suspenseful, dramatic, sometimes gruesome shows, you may like this one as well.  My last words on this will be... "DEAN!"  "SAMMY!"
   Things here in the "Ville"  have been okay too.  In the past two years, I've gotten more splendid friends than I ever thought possible.  It almost hurts to think about how much I'm going to miss all of them in the next year, and I'm already sad about some that I don't get to see very often.  I was folding some jeans at work this week, and I realized one of my biggest fears, besides bugs- being alone.  I like the occasional solitude, don't get me wrong, but the thought of being alone forever?  That terrifies me, chills me to the bone.  I'm praying now that I don't end up that way.