Monday, December 10, 2012

Traditional Schooling.

       For a scholarship, I have been asked to think about which is better, traditional schooling, or online schooling.  I am definitely one for traditional schooling.  There are lot of important parts to traditional schooling, such as building relationships, working with others, working at a scheduled pace, and facing problems and situations with other people.  When you do online schooling, you are not forcefully exposed to other people.  You don't have to be with anyone but yourself.  But in the traditional setting, you are with others, you have to work with them in groups and get to know them. You the get experience of working all sorts of people, people you like or don't like.  Traditional school is usually strictly scheduled and things must be turned in on time.  You don't make your own pace, and work is shared by all your fellow peers.  You face situations with others that you can't face online.  Besides the student to student relationship, there is the student to teacher relationship.  When the teacher is with you in person, it is easier to understand what you are learning.  You face the social stresses of asking questions in front of a group of people, and can get personal help from the teacher.  Online, you just have to email, which is very impersonal.  Traditional schools get the student ready for their future lives, by giving them a sample of people that they'll work with and giving them a taste of the stress of scheduled life.  Even if I had the choice of taking online classes instead of traditional, I wouldn't take the online course.  I enjoy my schooling too much, and from experience, can say that I just really don't like the detached situation of online classes.

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