Monday, December 24, 2012


      Well!  It's been pretty crazy lately for me, and things have been so.... unpredictable that I don't even know what to blog about anymore!  I was going to post a writing I did about a week ago, but... Somethings were just too...much..   Complications that have gotten twisted around recently, to put it mildly.  I've watched so much Supernatural recently, that I've almost gotten sick of it, as I've basically been watching it every waking minute.   I think I've watched about 4000 minutes of it now in the last month.  Sure, Castiel is awesome, but the show itself is also extremely depressing.  I need to watch something upbeat at this point.  (I say that, but I'll probably end up watching the rest anyway)
       I've been researching mythology for my writings, and it's really really interesting!  I'm excited to see where it's going to go.  I've got so many ideas for characters right now... I need to fixate on one..
     I'll probably update tomorrow, so Merry Christmas Eve until then!

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