Thursday, December 6, 2012


       Music- "The expression of feelings that you cannot describe with words."  This definition fits music perfectly to me.  There are so many feelings that I can't try to put into writing, but often music plays the part wonderfully.  It helps me feel detachment from the stresses of daily life and concentrate on other things.
   My taste is music varies more than I'd like to admit, and lately I've been listening to a lot of emotional instrumental music  throughout the day.  I've been feeling awfully strange lately, as I haven't been able to just feel happy continuously for sometime.  Sadness can be inspiring for artwork and writing, but I've realized that prolonged emotional upheaval is more painful and distracting than necessary.
     In the mornings I listen to some  Golden Sun music to jump start some happiness and nostalgia of simpler times.  Some songs I'd suggest would be Downton Abbey: The Suite, music by Joe Hisaishi (who composed the music for a lot of Hayao Miyazaki's films), such as Nausicaa Symphonic Poem- First Movement Howl's moving Castle- Cave of Mind, and Spirited Away -The Dragon Boy.  Those are just a few good examples.  Some others are EXE3- Tree of Life, Murray Gold- I am the Doctor, This is Gallifrey.  But some of the most epic music I've heard recently came on the 25th Anniversary CD with Skyward Sword.  That... music is absolutely incredible.  The rendition of Gerudo Valley almost seems to have been overdone with awesome.  Just thinking about it gives me chills!