Wednesday, December 22, 2010

So- I missed it.

I was up until about 12:05.  I go outside and can see the bright, white moon directly above me in the sky.  I feel something touch my leg.  It's one of my cats.  I pick her up and pet her, take a last look at the moon, then retreat inside.  "I've got about an hour until it starts," I think to myself, "I guess I could sleep until then..."  So I set my Nintendo DS to wake me up in 56 minutes....and I wake up at 6:45 instead.  But the day turned out good, because I spent the morning with my Grandparents, going to different places in the city, or town, whatever it is.
I just Googled it.  It has to be 100,000 to be a city, so I guess it's a town.

I need to start making some Christmas cards...

Monday, December 20, 2010

LuNaR eCliPsE !!!!

I'm pretty excited for tonight.  There's supposed to be a lunar eclipse, and I'm afraid that I will forget and miss it.  Golden Sun  dark dawn involves a very annoying lunar eclipse, but I thought that it was kinda cool that one is happening now.  They say the moon will be a reddish colour.  
I finished the game, and I'm fighting Dullahan, but I just can't beat him.  I wanted the summon of Iris.  Oh well.  Finals week was terrible--talk about stress!  And somehow I ended up with all A's.  It's amazing how these things turn out.  I also learned that you really can't rely on people, even if you think you know them well....

Christmas is almost here!!!  I am SO excited!!!  After it passes, the break will probably fly by.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's been a while....

Since I've written, and since......GOLDEN SUN CAME OUT!!!   I bought GS:DD on Tuesday, and have played countless hours...
When I first started, I really didn't like it.  I was upset with how it began and didn't care for the beginning storyline.But THEN!   It really got good.  Sure, the missions that got stacked up got pretty annoying, (still are actually) and they end up confusing me a little, but it's been exciting.
  I like that it's the 'warriors of vale' 's children,not their descendants as was once speculated.  I really wish you could see everyone, instead of just Isaac, with his cool beard, and Garet with his little 'stache. I would guess they used the facial hair to help age them.At one point, a certain captain is mentioned, and I was really excited , because I would get to see him,  but I didn't.  It was....rather upsetting.  Anyway, Dark Dawn is really  good, even if the music isn't as spectacular.   I haven't finished yet, but maybe my mind will have changed by then. 

I'm not ready for these next two weeks.  This coming one just leads up to finals week, something I'm NOT looking forward to.   I hope it goes quick and easily....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5 school days left until

THANKSGIVING BREAK!!! Yay!  Nothing interesting has really happened lately....The school is freezing.  The teachers apparently voted not to turn on the heaters (because once they switch it, they can't put it back until spring for some reason.)  and I am not happy.   My teeth chatter in most of my classes, and I just think that's a bad sign.
We played with fire in Chem. yesterday...well, not played, but experimented with, and it was lots of fun.  The classroom smelt like burning wood, which kind of reminds me of Christmas.  I love Christmas....During December, Itunes has some free Christmas music.  One from last year was called "Must be Santa".  I like that song.  It makes me happy.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

f R i D a very close.

Last week went by really slow for me.  But this week... It FLEW by.  I am quite happy, considering the circumstances. 
After the release all the people from lunch to go to class, everyone rushes up some stairs to get to the rest of the school.  I was walking behind the crowd of people, when someone grabs my arm.  I look back with a stupid face because I thought it was my friend....but it wasn't, and there was no one near me who it could have been......OooOOooOOooooo....just kidding.  I think it was some rowdy freshmen that was the closest to me.

So there's this website, and they re-orchestrate Zelda music...Well, they haven't been releasing any new music, because of some large project they are working on.  I hope it gets finished soon, because I want to hear some redone LttP music...

18 days until GS:DD!!!

***semi-naruto spoiler...**

Gaara's becoming like Naruto???  Not quite, but considering the people's reaction after the shortest speech EVER, I think Naruto has had quite an influence..

Poor Asuma, Zabuza, and the others...being forced to fight like that....and yet...I'M SO HAPPY THEY'RE BACK, EVEN IF THEY'RE DEAD!!! :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pastel Pictures!!!

These are the pastel pictures I made.  The first and the last are the same picture, only one is cut more than the other.  None of them have any actual resemblance to Ikana, but they were inspired by it!  I'm really happy it's friday....

*Naruto Spoiler*
Oh my goodness!  This war!!!  It's gonna be so interesting!!  I wonder who's gonna die....poor Yamato!(I'm not saying he's going to die, I just happened to add that at the end....)   Kabuto resurrected Haku and Zabuza!  I wonder what that's going to be like!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


November!  How you have been awaited...  Only 15 days until HP part 1 comes out...and 25 until GS:DD comes out! 
This is one of the best parts of the school year for me.  In October there's Fall Break...In November, Thanksgiving Break, and in December, *Winter* Break.  In the morning, when I walk to school, the sky is still dark, full of mystery...and the street is stuffed with cars, distracting and bothersome.  On the 7th, we set our clocks back an hour. I can't wait, because this means that for a short time, I can enjoy waking up at 5 am, and remembering that I get to sleep an extra hour. It also mean's that it will be lighter out when I go walking.

On Halloween, I went trick or treating with my brothers, even though I'm right on the border of being to old to do so.  At one house, a woman asked if we were dressed as hobos.  Insulted, I took off without getting the candy.  We were ninjas...Not HOBOS!  Perhaps she came to this conclusion because my brothers all had beards painted onto their faces... Oh well...
In my Art Class, we have to make a landscape using pastels.  I made one by copying a photo of some red cacti that were in contrast to the deep, blue sky.  Unsatisfied with how it turned out, I asked my teacher if I could make another.  She said yes, and also told me I could make one up myself, instead of copying a picture.
I knew exactly what I had to make....IKANA CANYON!!!  Basically, it turned out just to be a canyon with a rising sun, setting the sky and river ablaze with colours of yellow, orange, and red.  I think it's turning out okay :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yay! the 26th.

October is flying by.  It's very exciting :D  Harry Potter comes out next does Golden Sun Dark Dawn!!!(I don't know how many times I mention this...)  Fall break flew by way too fast...and so is this week, except that's not a bad thing. 

I've been drawing a lot.  It's fun.  My posts aren't very interesting right now, I know, but maybe something will happen, and I can write about it.

I'm gonna eat chinese tonight!  I love chinese food....

On a side note....I daydream about Ikana Canyon in Termina a lot.  The now cool weather makes me think of what i think it's temperature would be like.  In the morning, the sun is just rising as I walk to school, and the moon is still in the sky.  The sunlight sometimes reflects on the clouds, giving everything a orange pinkish tint.  It is very beautiful.  This also reminds me of Ikana.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Today I took the PSAT.  Of course, today it was just practice.....anyway, it was really  boring.
I hope  something interesting happens soon...Life is losing it's luster.....not really, but it sounded good....

In golden sun, I got to Babi's lighthouse, then decided to go back and get all those missing djinni.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What a long week.

This past week went by very, VERY slowly.  The first quarter grades went in on Friday, so I tried really hard to kick my grades up some.  I'm pretty sure I've got A's in everything but Algebra 2.  I wonder what this coming week will be like?

I'm playing the first Golden Sun.  I'm at Colosso.  I want to play both games before Dark Dawn comes out.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

 I just came upon this.  It's really really pretty

the song granite by pendulum is also good.  Not pretty, but cool.

DeCaDe DaY....if that makes sense...

Today was decade day at school, part of the week in which we dress in the styles chosen for the week to celebrate homecoming.  Decade day means that you dress how they did in certain decades.  Like 80's 90's 20's or even 80 BC.   I dressed up in 80's clothes.  I curled my hair and put tons of hair spray.  I was horrified at the outcome, and yet, lots of people complemented my hair, told me that it was 'funky' and that I should wear it more often.  I can't say whether I was pleased or disturbed.  They suggested that they wanted 80's ware to come back. 
I have to say, I really enjoy being a sophomore, as apposed to being a...freshman....  To tell a fellow sophomore that you thought he or she was a freshman is a major insult.  You don't want to seem like the freshmen, who thinks the world of them self, and likes to stand in the middle of the crowded hallway to let everyone fume at his or her freshman self. 
Anyhow, being a sophomore is nice because people are now used to being in highschool, and somehow, it's a lot easier to connect to other people. I can socialize better too.  I recognize more faces in my yearbook, my classes have a more relaxed feel, and I don't flip out when I get to school 15 minutes before the bell rings.

Another good day.  Yay!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Half finished!!!

Wednesday, the turning point, the day I can say, "Hey!  This school week is half over ! Yes!"

Today was a good Wednesday.  I didn't have much homework.  And I had youth group, which I was looking forward to.
It's starting to get cold least, in the morning.  The school still has all the air conditioners running, and in every classroom except my chem. and algebra rooms, my fingers turn purple and my teeth chatter.  I think my Spanish teacher enjoys seeing her students freeze, because whenever someone mentions how cold her room is, she makes a face implying that she thinks we're crazy.
Art was fun today.  We were sketching with really fat pieces of coloured chalk, and the student we had to draw was sitting and was making a creepy face...  I think he couldn't take all the people staring at him because he kept breaking out in laughter. 

All in all, a good day. :D

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pokemon Black and White

I can't wait until this game comes out in the US!   I heard that it got really good ratings.  I went to the Japanese website (which I cannot read for the life of me) and saw some interesting pictures of pokemon,gadgets, and people.  It supposed to come out around March.


Yesterday, I babysat from about 12:30 pm to about 8:30pm.  It was for two different families.  When I was finished with the first, I was transfered directly over to the next family.  The kids in both families were pretty good, except that the second family had a baby who screamed most of the time. 

I had really been looking forward to this weekend because the week had been really long and rough.  I found out Friday I would be babysitting from 6-8 something.  But then, yesterday, I had to babysitt an extra 12:xx to 6 shift.  I wasn't too pleased.

I hope today will be a good day :D

(At least, now my funds have increased so that I can buy Golden Sun Dark Dawn when it comes out, or the next Bartimaeus book!!:)

Friday, September 24, 2010


It's been a long week.  I was so happy when the bell of dismissal rang at school. Earlier in the day, I almost fell down a stair well.  It scared the life out of me.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Well....My first post!

This blog is about my life and the influences things have on me. I hope I can write some interesting things about my life.