Thursday, November 11, 2010

f R i D a very close.

Last week went by really slow for me.  But this week... It FLEW by.  I am quite happy, considering the circumstances. 
After the release all the people from lunch to go to class, everyone rushes up some stairs to get to the rest of the school.  I was walking behind the crowd of people, when someone grabs my arm.  I look back with a stupid face because I thought it was my friend....but it wasn't, and there was no one near me who it could have been......OooOOooOOooooo....just kidding.  I think it was some rowdy freshmen that was the closest to me.

So there's this website, and they re-orchestrate Zelda music...Well, they haven't been releasing any new music, because of some large project they are working on.  I hope it gets finished soon, because I want to hear some redone LttP music...

18 days until GS:DD!!!

***semi-naruto spoiler...**

Gaara's becoming like Naruto???  Not quite, but considering the people's reaction after the shortest speech EVER, I think Naruto has had quite an influence..

Poor Asuma, Zabuza, and the others...being forced to fight like that....and yet...I'M SO HAPPY THEY'RE BACK, EVEN IF THEY'RE DEAD!!! :)

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