Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yay! the 26th.

October is flying by.  It's very exciting :D  Harry Potter comes out next month..as does Golden Sun Dark Dawn!!!(I don't know how many times I mention this...)  Fall break flew by way too fast...and so is this week, except that's not a bad thing. 

I've been drawing a lot.  It's fun.  My posts aren't very interesting right now, I know, but maybe something will happen, and I can write about it.

I'm gonna eat chinese tonight!  I love chinese food....

On a side note....I daydream about Ikana Canyon in Termina a lot.  The now cool weather makes me think of what i think it's temperature would be like.  In the morning, the sun is just rising as I walk to school, and the moon is still in the sky.  The sunlight sometimes reflects on the clouds, giving everything a orange pinkish tint.  It is very beautiful.  This also reminds me of Ikana.


  1. I'm so glad you updated! I love the fall background too...I think I must go and take a walk now because I was inspired to go out and smell the leaves.

  2. I think I smell the leaves right now...however the days remind me of real things and not fantasy.

  3. A chilly breeze swept through the abandoned valley. Once, a strong and numerous civilization inhabited this land. The giant stone temple is all that remains, as well as the blood thirsty aura carried within their wandering spirits unable to rest. Known as the Garo, the warring tribe head quartered in this vast valley did the unthinkable. They waged a war, harnessing the strength of the undead...

    Bahahaha! Look what you made me write PFF!

  4. Oooohh!!! Great story!... I hope you don't mind if I add in my bad writing style....

    If only it was known, that the undead would get revenge for being awakened....

    A fortnight later....a young boy walks through Ikana, the loose dirt sticking to the bottom of his worn shoes. He notices the cold aura spilling off every part of the valley, sending chills down his spine. The cold air becomes still, but the boy takes no notice. He is gazing at the dark cave that is literally spilling music off of the riverbed. Behind him, a gibdo likes it's dry blood covered lips....

  5. I like my lips too! Go gibdos! Such self assured little creatures.

  6. kahaha oh no! a gibdo! in that case...

    The boy took a few more steps before realizing a shuffle matching each step. A loathsome, almost growling moan escaped the lips of the blood thirsty gibdo. As the boy turned to face his pursuer, a piercing scream echoed throughout the entire valley. The shriek's source was from none other than the lurking gibdo. Paralyzed in fear, the shaking youth stood and awaited his undead sentencing.
