Thursday, September 30, 2010

DeCaDe DaY....if that makes sense...

Today was decade day at school, part of the week in which we dress in the styles chosen for the week to celebrate homecoming.  Decade day means that you dress how they did in certain decades.  Like 80's 90's 20's or even 80 BC.   I dressed up in 80's clothes.  I curled my hair and put tons of hair spray.  I was horrified at the outcome, and yet, lots of people complemented my hair, told me that it was 'funky' and that I should wear it more often.  I can't say whether I was pleased or disturbed.  They suggested that they wanted 80's ware to come back. 
I have to say, I really enjoy being a sophomore, as apposed to being a...freshman....  To tell a fellow sophomore that you thought he or she was a freshman is a major insult.  You don't want to seem like the freshmen, who thinks the world of them self, and likes to stand in the middle of the crowded hallway to let everyone fume at his or her freshman self. 
Anyhow, being a sophomore is nice because people are now used to being in highschool, and somehow, it's a lot easier to connect to other people. I can socialize better too.  I recognize more faces in my yearbook, my classes have a more relaxed feel, and I don't flip out when I get to school 15 minutes before the bell rings.

Another good day.  Yay!

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