Sunday, September 26, 2010


Yesterday, I babysat from about 12:30 pm to about 8:30pm.  It was for two different families.  When I was finished with the first, I was transfered directly over to the next family.  The kids in both families were pretty good, except that the second family had a baby who screamed most of the time. 

I had really been looking forward to this weekend because the week had been really long and rough.  I found out Friday I would be babysitting from 6-8 something.  But then, yesterday, I had to babysitt an extra 12:xx to 6 shift.  I wasn't too pleased.

I hope today will be a good day :D

(At least, now my funds have increased so that I can buy Golden Sun Dark Dawn when it comes out, or the next Bartimaeus book!!:)

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