Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Half finished!!!

Wednesday, the turning point, the day I can say, "Hey!  This school week is half over ! Yes!"

Today was a good Wednesday.  I didn't have much homework.  And I had youth group, which I was looking forward to.
It's starting to get cold least, in the morning.  The school still has all the air conditioners running, and in every classroom except my chem. and algebra rooms, my fingers turn purple and my teeth chatter.  I think my Spanish teacher enjoys seeing her students freeze, because whenever someone mentions how cold her room is, she makes a face implying that she thinks we're crazy.
Art was fun today.  We were sketching with really fat pieces of coloured chalk, and the student we had to draw was sitting and was making a creepy face...  I think he couldn't take all the people staring at him because he kept breaking out in laughter. 

All in all, a good day. :D


  1. ???: Gyahahaha! You did have a good day cuz i was there! ....even if i hit my head going through all the theory..BECAUSE IM SEETHROUGH! Im tired of being a watching ghost! Hatch me already!!!!

    ...he's a bit of a nag! Sorry he told me to pass that message..weirdo. Likin' the posts.

  2. I thought you were going to say that because u used fat chalk everybody's drawings made the student look fat.
