Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nalg- I mean...Hello...

I worked late last night, and I decided to go to bed kinda earlier, *cough* 10:56 *cough*....for me this is early anyhow.  i slept at this time because I work today at nine and i wanted to get some need rest...WELL....that's kinda funny, because I had this awful nightmare today....I would write it down, but it would take to long, but I'll just say this....  I can still feel the man's finger on my temple, feeling my pulse before he kills me..  Anyway, i'm still NOT ready for school, and I really need to read that book for my english class.   But procrastination is just sooo tempting. 
I have learned my lesson.  There are a bunch of nasty perverts in this world, and I will try my best to avoid them.  They seem normal at first, then they decide to say some random, vulgar thing to test the grounds for more nasty comments.  This just happened to me, and, of course, I took action.  I don't put  up with crap like that.  No way in hell.  And I feel stalked too.  and I know he'll read this post.  Because his location showed up in my statistics today, that he's seen this page 12 times today or something.  all i can say is....LEAVE ME  ALONE!  Anyway, with people like this, ditch 'em.  In as many ways as possible.
I got some new glasses, they are very square...and you know what?  No new naruto or bleach chapters this  week.  It's got me sooo down...  RUKKIIAAAAAAAAA!!!  *sob* 
In bleach, most of the characters are REALLY's lovely.  They make the world go 'round.