Monday, August 29, 2011

August 29, 2011

........Okay, so I haven't been writing much that's productive, and I'm probably not going to right now again. 
Schools started.  That's pretty nice, I guess, since I get to see my friends, even if my feelings get involved and cause more problems.  I've been taking st. John wort, but I just can't seem to cheer up right now.  It's worrisome.  And, I guess my last post was too harsh.  I haven't lashed out like that for at least a year. 
I really wish I could turn the clockback right now.  And live through somethings again.  Or at least try to mend them.  *sigh* whatever...  I need the sun to come out!  It would help my mood.  Gahh, i'm just complaining again, aren't i?  Poo.  Well, I'll try to find something interesting and post about it next time...



  1. Ah, Chookie, it's okay :( Promise you'll feel better soon. I go through same poop!

  2. You certainly hope I go through the same poop?? Well I never! ;P
