Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I just can't take it!  S-schools closing in on me...and I'm entirely not ready!  I haven't read my book for english, and I'm sooo afraid of Chem.   And then, there's my fellow students...it's almost intimidating to see them after so long...
I had a boyfriend kinda this summer...it ended really bad.  It was online, something I don't recommend, because he lived so far away.
There's this guy at work I like, and it seems like he likes me, but I'm just not sure..and since I work parttime on random days, I don't work with him much.  Gahhhhhh....  I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
And of course, since schools starting again, and this results in me breaking out.  Bad. 
But, i must think positive!  Maybe I'll get a boyfriend this year, at school....that would make me happy..

SPOILER:  Rukia's BAAAACCKKKK!!!  I'm soo happy!  Shinigami goodness is sure to be on it's way!                                                                                                             

1 comment:

  1. High School can be scary! O_o
    It should all work out though! :)
