Sunday, January 6, 2013


      I'm really excited to start writing... I know I say that in almost every post, but I actually have a pretty decent plot now, and have a nice collection of characters.  I keep drawing them but not writing about them.... I guess I'm just excited to have something to write about and draw about as of late.  I haven't had much inspiration lately, and I really don't feel like making any fan art unless it's of Zelda or Golden Sun.  I need to have something that came solely from within, so it is completely mine.  There's a certain possessiveness I have about my writing and art that makes me not want to make fan writings.  I want to show off my ideas and abilities rather than someone else's.  Well, tomorrow, I'll try to put up my pictures.
     Did I mention that Castiel is just... grandl?  The character is just wonderfully written.

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