Wednesday, May 16, 2012


M'kay, hasn't even been very long since I last wrote- but SOOOO much seems to have happened!  I got confirmed into the Catholic Church, and I feel like my faith has been saved.  I pray all the time now, I feel a complete happiness that I never have previously had- a feeling my teacher has said you can only get with faith.  And I have it!  I was losing it before- I never prayed, I doubted everything, my relationships were going down hill...but now, it's all fine.  As though my problems (most of them)  just resolved themselves on their own!  It's amazing.  And it's because of my teacher, I swear, he was truly inspiring.  I want to write his name, but I'll just have to give him credit as "Mr.P".  A wonderful, amazing teacher.  I'm sad that classes have ended now... :'( For religious reasons and because I have people I want to see... 
     ANYWAY, I've really gotten into the BBC show "Sherlock" with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.  It's a present day Sherlock Holmes, but I think it's just absolutely wonderful.  One of the co-producers is Steven Moffat, who also does Doctor Who, so the slightly similar elements make it even better. This is a link to the fictional blog of Holmes from the series...after watching, I've become very interested in the habits of people, and how to read and deduce their actions and appearance... 
     This fall on CBS, a show called "Elementary" is coming out, and it's another modern day Sherlock Holmes, only he's in Manhattan.  I saw the commercial, looks alright, but the thing that's really got me is....that Dr. John Watson... Is now Dr. JOAN Watson.  I'm just wondering how they're going to make the transition of the traditionally male character into a woman.  They'll probably end up putting in some romance between them, and somehow I feel that would ruin it all... but I dunno, maybe it'll be an awesome show!  I'll just have to wait and see..

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