Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Limited Patience

So....Today I had my English AP test.  And, no, I'm not going to talk about the content.  That would make my test 'invalid' as they love to say while you're taking it.  No- I'm gonna talk about the girl sitting next to me.  The test is about 4 hours long, and in the large room with many table,  you are seated at your own small table to share with one other, who would sit next to you.  When we first started, my table sharer had not arrived, and I thought maybe I had gotten lucky, and would get the whole table to myself! such luck.  The girl came and took a seat next to me...  And so it began.  I'm one of those people, who likes no noise or nonsense during test taking.  I get distracted easily.  Well, I started hearing clicking noises... small but  high pitched sound, a continuous clicking set to an annoying rhythm...  I ignored it to the best of my ablility, which was pretty good actually.  BUT THEN...she moved her legs so that they were facing me, and she began to kick my chair on occasion, and even push it a bit.... I was deeply disturbed, and tried to move my chair so she would stop, but her legs stopped me from budging.  Then....she started reading loudly to herself, like some kind of raspy whisper...  Well, in the end, we both came out alive, but I really thought I might die from annoyance.  Okay, I'm done complaining.... Everything went great after that. 
   Here I have some pictures and things from today.  Some doodles.... I'm still working on that story.   Still not totally set on it, but I've been making some more characters, and the two men are some of them.  A picture of the Virgin Mary from the front of our church. I thought it was beautiful.

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