Saturday, June 9, 2012


Lots has passed.  I feel like with this upcoming year, I am leaving a lot behind.  One year left until college?  That's crazy!
     I got a new job.  It's at a clothing store that's opening at our mall here.  In fact, today was my last day at Braum's.  It's weird now, thinking it's over.  I.... may miss it, just a bit.  I made lots of friends, and unless I visit them at work, I doubt I'll ever see them again.  But...maybe because of that, I'm glad a left.  There was a certain part of me I got from it I'm glad to leave.
    I'm still working on my book.  I've changed it though, it's about demon's or something now,(Dunno if I said that in another post..) and I've been thinking about it none stop.  I'm already attached to my characters, and I haven't even started writing about them yet!  It's difficult for me to sit down and write, I feel as though I have to face a part of myself, if I really want to make a book, it will be final.  I don't know, I guess I'm just a bit  conflicted right now.
   Harvest Moon has been fun, been playing LOADS of that.  And I got married in the game...and now I don't know what to do anymore.  *sigh*
    Well, I'm gonna start writing more of that book, and I'll put up some later..