Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wowzers..(I think that's how it's spelled..) I'm updating!!! :D

So~!  School is over!  OMGOSH!  To be honest, I wasn't very excited about it.  I miss my friends.  Oh well. 
I go on vacation to Florida this week!  I'm so excited, i get to see my family members who live there.  We don't see them very often. 
I've finally turned 16 (Hooray) and now can get a job.  I've already sent out some applications.  Hopefully I can make some good moolah.  
Recently..  I've really gotten into megaman again, specifically Star Force.  Last year, at this exact time, I got two "official work books" for Star Force and Battle Network, each one about 40 bucks apiece, and entirely in Japanese which I cannot read.  But now-to my most utter dismay, they...are selling them in English!  *cries*  for an average of, like, 25 dollars!....And now, I'm trying to sell my books in order to buy the english ones.  Wish me luck.

I'm going to attach some art here.  I've got more, and I'll post that later.


  1. I hope you're having fun!!! I love the art :) The books are really neat in Japanese or English :)

  2. This is Nalgas Dumbledore, and I approve this blog. *ack!* yuck, ate some jelly beans and I got earwax again...
