Friday, January 21, 2011

And how could I forget....the winter dance.

I don't like this time of year.   In February, we, well, they have a winter dance for our school.  I get to listen to people talk about how so-and-so asked them to the dance, or how they have 3 different people that have asked, but for some reason, they' prefer going solo.   Do they realize what they've got?   Or is it me, wondering what it is about them that makes so many guys love them.  Perhaps I will never know, and never have that, or anything like it myself.  I just sit on the side, listening and watching my friends steal each others bfs and create awkward triangles.  Maybe I'll just take my welded armor, and wait for March to come.  Spring Break. Yay. 

sorry.  I had to rant about it.  It passes over my head.

1 comment:

  1. LOL ya took my sturdy welded armor for yourself. It'll serve you well. GL fending off the lined up dudes.
