Friday, January 21, 2011

And how could I forget....the winter dance.

I don't like this time of year.   In February, we, well, they have a winter dance for our school.  I get to listen to people talk about how so-and-so asked them to the dance, or how they have 3 different people that have asked, but for some reason, they' prefer going solo.   Do they realize what they've got?   Or is it me, wondering what it is about them that makes so many guys love them.  Perhaps I will never know, and never have that, or anything like it myself.  I just sit on the side, listening and watching my friends steal each others bfs and create awkward triangles.  Maybe I'll just take my welded armor, and wait for March to come.  Spring Break. Yay. 

sorry.  I had to rant about it.  It passes over my head.

Thursday, January 20, 2011 the city(town)

Well....I haven't written in a while....I...don't even remember much that has happened, but, I'll try my best.
At my school, we had some sort of- gathering, thing in one of our gyms, and it had all these different stands advertising for different classes this school offered.  One was cosmetology.   They had colored hair strands that attach to your hair.  I got a blue one.  Another stand had welding, and that was interesting.  Couldn't tell what I was doing, but I got to wear a helmet.
I started a college government class.  At first I was afraid.  But, I still kind of am, because it's almost been three weeks, and the only homework we  have gotten is to study for our quizzes and tests.  We have only 9 people in this class, because we're sophmores, and have become some sort of guinea pigs for our school, who wants to test out this new class.  No one will tell us the real reason they offered this class, but I'm pretty sure that's it.

Christmas was tons of fun, but I cried a lot when my grandparents left.  I got Harvest Moon: Animal Parade.  I reallylikethatgame.  But, I played it so much, I rarely left my room, so I haven't played since school started, because I figured I would get so into it, I would procrastinate like never before...  So now, I'm playing LttP. 

My little brother learned how to walk.  He walks EVERYWHERE, and he's undeniably
cute.  I love him.  As naughty as he is.

I made some sushi this weekend.  It was a disastrous looking thing, but it tasted like the one I ate in Hawaii once.  (it tasted too much of mayonnaise.  Bleh)
I don't know if this counts as interesting, but, today's a snowday.  We had one last week too, and on monday, we didn't have school because of MLK day.  So...the only full week of school we have had yet was three weeks ago, the first one after the break.

Maybe something will happen today???