Wednesday, December 22, 2010

So- I missed it.

I was up until about 12:05.  I go outside and can see the bright, white moon directly above me in the sky.  I feel something touch my leg.  It's one of my cats.  I pick her up and pet her, take a last look at the moon, then retreat inside.  "I've got about an hour until it starts," I think to myself, "I guess I could sleep until then..."  So I set my Nintendo DS to wake me up in 56 minutes....and I wake up at 6:45 instead.  But the day turned out good, because I spent the morning with my Grandparents, going to different places in the city, or town, whatever it is.
I just Googled it.  It has to be 100,000 to be a city, so I guess it's a town.

I need to start making some Christmas cards...

Monday, December 20, 2010

LuNaR eCliPsE !!!!

I'm pretty excited for tonight.  There's supposed to be a lunar eclipse, and I'm afraid that I will forget and miss it.  Golden Sun  dark dawn involves a very annoying lunar eclipse, but I thought that it was kinda cool that one is happening now.  They say the moon will be a reddish colour.  
I finished the game, and I'm fighting Dullahan, but I just can't beat him.  I wanted the summon of Iris.  Oh well.  Finals week was terrible--talk about stress!  And somehow I ended up with all A's.  It's amazing how these things turn out.  I also learned that you really can't rely on people, even if you think you know them well....

Christmas is almost here!!!  I am SO excited!!!  After it passes, the break will probably fly by.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's been a while....

Since I've written, and since......GOLDEN SUN CAME OUT!!!   I bought GS:DD on Tuesday, and have played countless hours...
When I first started, I really didn't like it.  I was upset with how it began and didn't care for the beginning storyline.But THEN!   It really got good.  Sure, the missions that got stacked up got pretty annoying, (still are actually) and they end up confusing me a little, but it's been exciting.
  I like that it's the 'warriors of vale' 's children,not their descendants as was once speculated.  I really wish you could see everyone, instead of just Isaac, with his cool beard, and Garet with his little 'stache. I would guess they used the facial hair to help age them.At one point, a certain captain is mentioned, and I was really excited , because I would get to see him,  but I didn't.  It was....rather upsetting.  Anyway, Dark Dawn is really  good, even if the music isn't as spectacular.   I haven't finished yet, but maybe my mind will have changed by then. 

I'm not ready for these next two weeks.  This coming one just leads up to finals week, something I'm NOT looking forward to.   I hope it goes quick and easily....