Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yay! the 26th.

October is flying by.  It's very exciting :D  Harry Potter comes out next month..as does Golden Sun Dark Dawn!!!(I don't know how many times I mention this...)  Fall break flew by way too fast...and so is this week, except that's not a bad thing. 

I've been drawing a lot.  It's fun.  My posts aren't very interesting right now, I know, but maybe something will happen, and I can write about it.

I'm gonna eat chinese tonight!  I love chinese food....

On a side note....I daydream about Ikana Canyon in Termina a lot.  The now cool weather makes me think of what i think it's temperature would be like.  In the morning, the sun is just rising as I walk to school, and the moon is still in the sky.  The sunlight sometimes reflects on the clouds, giving everything a orange pinkish tint.  It is very beautiful.  This also reminds me of Ikana.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Today I took the PSAT.  Of course, today it was just practice.....anyway, it was really  boring.
I hope  something interesting happens soon...Life is losing it's luster.....not really, but it sounded good....

In golden sun, I got to Babi's lighthouse, then decided to go back and get all those missing djinni.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What a long week.

This past week went by very, VERY slowly.  The first quarter grades went in on Friday, so I tried really hard to kick my grades up some.  I'm pretty sure I've got A's in everything but Algebra 2.  I wonder what this coming week will be like?

I'm playing the first Golden Sun.  I'm at Colosso.  I want to play both games before Dark Dawn comes out.